While in Costa Rica I tried to send a couple emails via my domain. I couldn’t get the ssh tunnel up to my server here at home so their was no way to forward it through Comcast, my ISP. A while ago I ran into the same problem when sending an email to some hockey buddies. I had hoped when my host did an upgrade this problem might go away, but I never got around to checking. Unfortunately it hasn’t as this time I got the following message.
554 The message was rejected because it contains prohibited virus or spam content
What this means is some providers might view an email coming from my domain as spam but I don’t have any control over that. The problem is when you use a host that has thousands of customers your site’s IP is the same as others. While you might not be sending spam someone else is and thus the reason we send through Comcast.
Just a minor annoyance but might be a good time for a new side project, to work out a solution when we’re away from home. Good thing this doesn’t come up to often.